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Carole Glick
Linda Seidel
Lauren Shapiro

Home » Sandy


I selected Carole Glick to sell my high end townhouse after interviewing three agents. Carole had a wealth of experience, knowledge of the community, made an excellent presentation, and impressed me as someone I could work well with. I was right. She gave me specific advice on how to arrange my home to best effect. Then, recognizing how important it is to have excellent photos on the internet, she hired a skilled professional photographer who made my home look like a house beautiful display. She made recommendations on pricing, based on the few recent comparables, but the listing price decision was ultimately mine. I opted not to have any open houses, but Carole would have held them if I wanted. After about a month, I had an offer. Carole successfully negotiated better terms. While we were still negotiated, I received a second offer. Carole spent time reviewing the offers with me. While the decision on which to accept was mine, her knowledgeable input was very helpful. During the appraisal, Carol was prepared with pertinent information about my house and even suggested which comparables were best, and why my home should appraise at a number higher than several others. It did. After the contract was signed, there were potholes on the route to closing. I think Carole has seen it all, and she handled the “potholes” deftly. Carole has support from a capable office assistant, who is also a licensed agent. This helps her stay on top of her listings, which was very important to me as a seller. Finally, I found Carole easy to work with and easy to reach. I would definitely use her services again.